Thursday, November 14, 2013

Personal reputation

My high school student union members always regard me as a reliable person in activities; therefore, when we have teamwork to finish, they always invite me to join in their team. I think this kind of reputation is built gradually through my daily performence during school. For instance, when we have works to do in a given period of time, I often contacted with other members in order to distribute the work as soon as possible. Beside, I tried to finish my part at my earliest convenience; therefore, I could find any problems and deal with them. My classmates used me to tell me that if I was in their group, they would not worry about the project any more.

Usually, I felt good about their trust. I continued trying to do the best job and leading the group with any work. I did not make any special efforts to maintain this reputation; on the other hand, I just maintained my regular working attitudes. Although it is time-consuming and tired to always keep track of works, I found it was pleasant and necessary to keep on working in this attitude.

However, I indeed abandoned my reputation in certain situations in the past. For instance, I remembered the period of time that I needed to prepare my SAT and Tofle test and was under huge pressures for my college application, I did not want to spend a large amout of time on doing extra activities in the student union and I even considered about quiting it. At that time, I always procrastinated and complained about doing too much works. When I went through the application and received relatively sastified good result, I feld regretful and sorry for my group members because I have ruined their trust for me during those weeks. During the following months before I graduated from high school, I devoted much more time in the student union in order to compensate for my mistakes and I had resumed my reputation for my hard working.

I believe it is good to accumulate good reputation because it represents trust from your peers or families to you. Although I might abandon the reputation in some special situations, I try to compensate for my mistakes in order to regain my reputation. Therefore, I will find myself to be a worthwile person.


  1. I agree with you that being known for helping out in a group situation is an important asset. I will provide you with ample opportunities and earn the respect of your peers. It is also difficult to keep up in all circumstances, as you describe. I would expect that if your friends understood your reasons they would not hold it against you. Preparing for college entrance is an important life decision, and I think most people recognize that.

  2. The reputation you have built is quite different than the one I described in my own blog. It is amazing how much planning you put in to assure that everything went smoothly for every group member. This is a type of reputation I admire. I myself am a huge procrastinator, especially when it comes to assignments that I am not very fond of. Because of this, I am often ashamed of how my group members perceive me. I work hard, but I have had some instances where I was treated like a child by other group members. As you can imagine, this was quite embarrassing. I admire how trustworthy you are, and I wish I could develop this same type of reputation someday in the academic context.

    1. I have read through your blog and I would like to say that "yes, my reputation is different from yours". I believe that your reputation is more about your own efforts and feelings but mine is dependent on feelings of other people.

      As we have talked during class today, it is really hard to measure your own reputation and we rely on others to measure for us. Therefore, I admire your own sense toward your reputation in weightlifting.
